My Lifestyle
Diet and activity are key for diabetes management- here we present guidance on these and how diabetes may impact on work, social life, travel and driving.

Living with diabetes
This section covers topics related to living with diabetes, including smoking, alcohol, employment, driving, sex and sleep.

Eating well
This section delivers information for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It covers information about a healthy balanced diet, carbohydrate awareness, specific food groups and their impact on health.

Physical activity
Maintaining recommended levels of activity and exercise can really help with management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Tips and guidance on safe exercise and activity is given here.

Travelling with diabetes requires a bit more planning to make sure that you have all the equipment and medications that you need to stay well when away. There are lots of things to think about before you go, such as health checks, travelling with insulin, the impact that entering different time zones, climate, diet and activity will have on blood glucose control, and what to do if you’re ill.

Do you know what the law is about driving if you have diabetes? Our resources give you practical information such as the implications for your car insurance and whether you should inform the DVLA that you have diabetes, as well as potential risks such as having a hypo when you are at the wheel.

Weight management
Weight management is a sensitive issue for many people and getting to an ideal, healthy weight is easier said than done. If you are overweight and have diabetes, there are huge benefits to losing weight. Even losing small amounts of weight can have significant impacts on your health and put you on a path of a healthier life.